Friday, July 10, 2009

16 weeks......

I am so not good at keeping up on this blog and I am annoying myself!!!!! I love reading Blogs. I am on Christa's and Myrna's site everyday and I want to be able to keep up on my own! I am making a new goal! One blog a week~

Well I was 16 weeks on Wednesday and I have to say out of my three this is the worst preganancy yet when it comes to indigestion and morning sickness. Nothing I eat settles at all. I cannot look at beef, pork or chicken ewww can't even think about it! Any suggestions on getting rid of the morning sickness would be greatily appreciated! Other than that, things seem to be going well so far. Drs. appt's have been great, heartbeat is staying around ~ 165. This is quite higher than Ryan's and Tyler's. They were between 135 - 145. We go for the ultrasound on July 28 and we are finding out what we are having on Sept 12! Here is a picture of me at 16 weeks. I am quite the size!!!!! And here is to hoping that I can stick with my goal!!!! Have faith in me and keep reading:) Have a great weekend!


  1. I'll stick with ya my dear :)
    Love the belly....
    My midwives suggested I eat peanut butter. For me my sugar was shooting up too quickly and crashing just a quickly when I was getting up the morning causing me to get sick.
    So peanut butter being a protein (which you need since you can't eat meat right now) stabalizes honestly worked for me :)too bad I didn't know about it sooner.

  2. I keep checking back to see if you've posted...yay! Here you are, pregnant belly and all, super cute!
    You should post your next shot with your head included so we can see how gorgeous you are girl!
    Good luck with the morning sickness.
